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Ep. 06 - Alfred Thorpe from Adventures.Africa (All Round Great Guy and Good Vibes OG)

An outdoor loving crazy person who appreciates a good glass of wine, chasing snow (it's a South African thing), uplifting others and takes you along on the journey - I'm in!

Alfred is an international man of mystery, in that nobody knows what he does for a living, but he always seems to be having a blast.

Speculation is he’s a top secret coffee shop evaluator, as he can always be found “working” from one or the other bespoke barista inhabiting establishment.

He’s also a long time friend and adventure buddy of mine.

When we get the time, of course, since he’s in South Africa and I’m in Switzerland.

Which is why I’m stoked we managed to find time for a quick catch up recently.

He has just come off of a long training stint for - and completion of - a fund raising event of crazy magnitude: Calling Cape Town.

It involves an 8km open water swim (IronMan is 3.8km), followed by the 109km Cape Town Cycle Tour and then straight into the 3 Peaks Challenge Trail Run of 50km / 3000m elevation.

All to be completed back to back, in 24hrs.

Everyday awesomeness?

You bet.

Check out Alfred on the line, here:


Any thoughts?

Comment below.

Until the next conversation ✌🏽.


Alpine Dispatches
The EDA Podcast
The Every Day Awesomeness Podcast: Conversations with people who pursue everyday awesomeness.