My New Photography Website Is Live (Finally)!
Just as we're about to head into the new year, I managed to complete one of my main goals of the last year or two. Am I proud? You bet. But there’s more to why I’m telling you about it. Read on!
For photographers, going live with a new website is a big thing.
From image selection, final edits, viewing order, galleries to include to which online platform to use to showcase said images.
It’s personal.
(There’s a story behind each frame).
It’s scary.
(What’re people going to think?).
It’s exciting.
(I want to share my work!).
And it’s never bloody finished!
(The next day you already want to make some changes).
But why am I telling you this?
Well, partly it’s because I’m proud as anything of it.
And partly it’s because it made me realise that getting something done means, well, doing the work.
Whenever possible.
Especially if it’s not your day job (anymore).
I’ve been meaning to get it done for the longest time, but life seemed to get in the way more often than not.
So I changed strategy.
Instead of hoping for time to do it, I made time.
Or rather small moments of time.
For the last year and a bit, every night, when my wife makes our son to bed (he’s on the Mom only phase), I would take the 45min - 1hr gap to edit some images.
In actual fact, as I’m writing this, I realise this new website is my (photography) life’s work.
I’ve gone through my whole image collection since 2008.
Yes, it’s digital only.
My film catalog from the 10 years before that is not yet scanned in.
Did I mention it’s never finished?
Anyway, the message I want to leave you with is this:
Whatever you are trying to do, you can, just take small steps toward it, one foot in front of the other.
It took me a while to learn.
Oh, and did I mention there are also limited edition prints for sale?
Well, there are.
And I’m adding more whenever I have time.
Do you have any projects or goals that you’re working towards on the side?
Any advice for me / us?!
Simply hit reply and let me know / comment below.
PS - I hope you have a great 2024, I’m looking forward to making it one to remember. Let’s get after it!
PPS - If you’re interested in the platform I’m using from a photography perspective (and I’ve tried them all), stay tuned for a run down 🤠.
Until next time (and year) ✌🏽.
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Looking for more / to connect?
You can find me on Instagram (photography, life, family) and X (photography, discussions, thoughts), as well as my (very much new) website (portfolio, trying to be an adult 🤷🏼♂️).
Ways to support my work:
Subscribing (for free 🤠, or paid 😍) and joining the discussion.
Kitting yourself out in Seasonal Vagabond merch, here.
Investing in a fine art photographic print here.
Grabbing a set of b/w backgrounds for your phone here.
Contributing to a goal of mine here.
Or simply just buying me a virtual coffee here.
Inspired by your words, your work and your commitment to consistency. Damn son, you get a lot done. You always have been, ahead of your time.
Love your amazing work...