Namib Naukluft Hiking Trail: A Walk Through the Mountains in Desert Country (Day 1)
In this week's addition: I lied last week (I only cover one day, not two, sorry!), our group is nervously excited, I forget the coffee device (but make a plan) and we gain surprising altitude.
Day 1 of a multi-day hiking trail is always a shock to the system.
A heavy backpack.
Straps digging into your shoulders.
Boots in various stages of being walked in (or out).
Why do we love it?
Self propelled adventure, it is immensely life enriching (I promise).
Fortunately the body - and mind - is an amazing thing.
Over the next week it will come to feel completely normal to have such a heavy pack (that thankfully gets a bit lighter as the days progress and food is consumed from it) on our backs.
To start this 8 day trail, we have the customary group “Before Picture”, below.

Day 1 - Hikers Haven to Putte Shelter
After setting off from the park offices, we quickly found the rocky path - indicated by an “8 Day Trail” sign - and proceeded to file into a line along it.
This quickly lead to a riverbed strewn with large, white boulders that needed to be traversed along the boundary fence of the Naukluft Park.
The path is indicated along here, but we had to double check a few times.
After a while, the path veers to the right.
Here we started our ascent into the mountains of the Namib Naukluft, eventually reaching a viewpoint where we could really appreciate the vast, arid surrounding region.

From here, we continued along a narrow footpath, with some beautiful surrounding views.

By now the warmest part of the day was over, and we started to look forward to reaching the overnight shelter for some well deserved rest.
And to take these damn heavy packs off!
Luckily we didn’t have far to go, reaching the overnight spot, Putte Shelter, in the late afternoon.

You’d be forgiven for thinking the work is done once you reach the overnight destination.
It’s not.
Now starts “The Routine”.
Find a sleeping place, unpack sleeping bag and mat, shoes off, camp shoes on, get food ready, cook said food, eat basic food like it’s a gourmet meal (everything tastes better when you’ve really worked for it), enjoy a post dinner coffee and chocolate, sleep.

It is during this time, on the first evening, that I realised I had forgotten my coffee device back at the main camp where we had set off from.
Now, this was a potential trip ending disaster.
I mean, 8 days of gruelling hiking, without coffee?
Not on my watch.
So, the plan we made was to filter the ground coffee (I like the good stuff, none of this instant coffee BS) through my Buff, doubling it up as it’s a bit porous.
It wasn’t perfect, but it did the job.
And saved the hike for those of us who like our coffee.
Even if we had to chew our coffee a bit towards the end of each cup.
Anyway, that was day one, drinking and chewing our coffee as we watched the stars after dinner.
Do you have any thoughts on Day 1 / experiences to share?
Simply hit reply and let me know / comment below.
PS - Yes, I know I said we’ll cover 2 days at time, but I realised when writing this that it will get a bit long for one post (but it’s a win-win, as I can now share more from each day!).
PPS - shameless plug once again 👉🏽 I have a new side hustle up and running, so if you like outdoor inspired casual clothing, check it out here!
Until next time ✌🏽.
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Such lovely visuals and comments...and also just looove the new clothing range!!!