I Love Sharing The Stoke.
Introducing people to something they haven’t experienced before is always a high point for me.
As the saying goes, “Joy shared is joy doubled”.
Meaning, of course, that sharing something that you find joy in with someone else enhances the experience.
And it’s true.
At least for me.
Especially when I share my knowledge and experience (gained through hard earned effort) with someone who expresses an interest in heading down the same path.
It reminds me of that original stoke of finding something new.
Something I didn’t know.
Yet loved instantly.
Ski touring, for instance.
After learning and gaining experience myself, many colleagues have requested an introduction to the pursuit over the last few years.
Most recently my new friend Aleix.
From Spain.
Ski’s well in resort and off piste terrain, but never ski toured.
Fortunately, our schedules aligned and I could take him on a very safe, beginner friendly tour recently.
But you know what?
I was the one who learned the most.
Not by gaining new skills.
But by seeing things I’ve become accustomed to through new eyes.
His eyes, in this case.
How weird and wonderful it is to be able to walk up snow when you normally glide down it.
Choosing your line upwards to save energy.
Evaluating the terrain for avalanche danger.
Things that have become “normal” to me when heading out on a ski tour, but were completely new to him.
And it was awesome.
I found new joy through doing familiar things through his perspective.
In short, in enhanced the experience, by sharing it.
And the same applies to showing someone your local surf break.
A mountain bike trail they didn’t know about.
That secret coffee place.
In short, by sharing the stoke we create more of it.
That’s it for this week!
Any interesting stories or thoughts to add?
Simply hit reply and let me know / comment below (so we can all benefit).
Have a great week!
Until next time ✌🏽.
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Or simply just buying me a whiskey here.
That photo is absolutely incredible. I would buy a print hands down.