Feeling Old? Let Me Tell You About Peter.
Inspiration and "joie de vivre" at 88 years old and going strong.
Life never stops surprising me.
Or I should say people, rather.
Both, perhaps.
On a recent ski outing with a friend - in the region here in Switzerland where he grew up - just such a situation occurred, in fact.
Let me explain.
We were out on a ski day, which has been a long time in the making between work, family and children’s schedules, when we crossed paths mid morning with a friend of my friend out for his usual couple of early morning ski runs.
Nothing out of the ordinary, right?
Thing is, he is pushing 90 years old.
88, in fact.
And lives in his (and his wife’s) mountain cottage year round, winter and summer (see top pic).
Summer I can’t speak of, as I haven’t been (to his abode), but in winter it’s a dream like ski in / ski out setup, no cars required.
We were lucky enough to be invited for some drinks later on in the day (after lunch, which is 12pm in Switzerland).
So we did ski a bit more, had lunch, and then worked our way to his mountain cottage one valley over.
Off piste, of course.
Once there, unmounted our skis and proceeded with the customary Swiss coffee / tea with schnapps as an appetizer.
Followed by a beer.
By then the conversation was flowing and since my Swiss German dialect is coming along nicely we were having a good laugh.
As these things go it soon was time to ski on.
But not before a brief tour of his humble abode (and very respectable wine reserve - it’s cold in winter!).
As we made our way down the mountain, I reflected on how these types of serendipitous experiences add so much value and insight to my life.
Crossing paths with everyday people just being amazing.
Very inspirational, at least for me.
That’s it for this week!
Any interesting stories or thoughts to add?
Simply hit reply and let me know / comment below (so we can all benefit).
Have a great week!
Until next time ✌🏽.
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Peter sounds like an absolute legend! So cool to see people still getting it at that age.