Corfu - A Visual Journey
Back from our short holiday in Corfu, Greece, I managed to squeeze in some editing time on a select image set - and was pleasantly surpised at what I got!

We had a busy week of getting back into the swing of things at home, once our holiday in Corfu was over.
In my previous blog / newsletter, I promised (mostly to keep myself accountable) to put together an image set asap, perhaps in a few weeks.
But then I thought:
“Why not do it for this weeks edition of Alpine Dispatches?”.

Besides, I was really curious to see what I managed to capture.
And - I have to admit - I was proud of myself for making these images under the given constraints (as I am proud at finishing this blog / newsletter at 23:18 on a Sunday evening, to get it done before the new week).
These are images I made:
On walks along the beach with the family.
Quickly running down to the beach at dusk when my wife was putting our four year old to bed.
Taking my camera with when we were having dinner at a local Taverna on the beach.
Using the morning coffee time before everyone is awake to make some images.
Basically, what has become my standard operating procedure on family holidays / outings when photography is not the main objective:
Hustling for images.
It has also made me re-realise how just by observing, one can make images anywhere, and at anytime of day.
I actually wrote about it in a previous post, which you can read here.
Beautiful moments are all around us, all the time
Thus, by observing this beautiful stretch of Ionian coastline - in between swimming with our four year old son and enjoying a glass of wine with my wife - I managed to make some images which I’m actually quite proud of.

As with many things, inspiration sometimes comes a little easier when you find yourself in places unfamiliar.
And so it did in Corfu.
Our daily habits and rhythm as a family also was inspired by this different place.
In our case into a more relaxed, go with the (four year old boy) flow, which meant slower starts to the day, but on the other hand follow the sun and go later to bed.

What I enjoyed as well is the freedom to just go out and make images (unlike commercial work).
Sometimes you find something, sometimes you don’t.
And that’s ok.
Being an island, and where we were, coastal village, this of course made for a large part of the imagery.

The local Taverna proved to be a meeting point for many a late afternoon / early evening rendezvous, and who could argue, with such a spectacular location and view?

Towards the end of our stay I started to experiment with some longer handheld exposures (didn’t take a tripod with), as well as isolating smaller portions of a bigger compostion.
A short walk from our village was another little stretch of beach, a little larger with a jetty.
Perfect for a some black and white photography :-).
However, what kept rising up (if you’ll excuse the pun) is the moon, and it really was mesmerising as it hung over the stretch of ocean between Corfu and Albania for a few evenings.
Right, that’s about that for this edition.
I have many more images (going through them), especially of the moon.
Might do a post about that.
But before I get carried away, I wish you a great start and jump into the new week!

Do you ever find yourself having to hustle for images (and I mean that in a good way)?
Would you consider Corfu as a destination?
Simply hit reply and let me know / comment below.
Until next time ✌🏽.
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I can see these images in a bespoke coffee table book about Corfu in villas and hotels. You've captured a breathtaking softness about the place.